Note Cards

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Friday's Test Study Guide

WHAP Chapter 10 and 11 Test Friday November 7th 2008

* 6th century China

* trade between North China and South China and the Sui

*Buddhism in the Tang Empire as a political influence

*Chang’an’s importance

*Chinese maritime innovations included

*Rivals to the Tang Empire

*The Uigurs

*Tibetan government’s relations with monasteries (later years)

*Post Tang Empire states that emerged

* Song technological innovations

*Buddhists drew upon Indian and Tibetan folk practice and created a meditative practice known as

*Song civil service examinations

*As prosperity and population in Song China

*Women during the Song period

*In the early tenth century, Korea was united under which dynasty?

*Koreans and the Buddhist texts

*The Fujiwara family of Heian Japan .

*The gift of Champa to Song

*Classic period civilizations in Mesoamerica were built on an earlier civilization

*Mesoamericans and human sacrifice

*Chinampas “floating gardens”


*the Mayan political state

*Maya monumental architecture

*The classic era Maya military forces

*Roles of Mesoamerican women

*Mayan contributions to mathematics

*The Toltecs’

*Aztec society

*The Aztecs challenges of feeding a growing population

*Aztec sacrificial victims

*The Anasazi, a desert people, led an enriched cultural life centered on

*The domestication of animals in the Andes

*The Moche and other Andean cultures

*Andean cities that precede the Incan civilization

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