World History - Hopkins & Waldram
1st Semester Study Guide – Questions need to be answered on flashcards or Cornell Style
Really Early Stuff
1. What was the Neolithic Revolution and why was it so important to mankind?
2. Compare and contrast the civilizations of Egypt and Sumer.
3. Characteristics and importance of Hammurabi’s code.
4. What social groups made up urban civilizations? How could I tell if you were wealthy?
5. Know what a theocracy is and how polytheism and monotheism differ. Which cultures used each?
6. What is tribute and why would people pay it?
India and China
7. Where is Harappa? What are their civilizations are known for what?
8. Who were the Aryans? Where did they come from? How do we know about them?
9. What were the Rock Edicts? Who wrote them? What was their purpose?
10. Know the Indian social system. Who was at top, the bottom, etc.
11. What is karma? Dharma?
12. What is sati?
13. Buddhism: What did Buddha believe in? Who was Buddha? What are the four noble truths? What is the 8-fold path? Where does Buddhism diffuse to?
14. Know the dynastic cycles of China (the first 4). Know basic information from each dynasty.
15. Who was Confucius? What did his ideology believe in? Where does Confucianism diffuse to?
16. Compare and contrast Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism.
Ancient Greece and Rome
17. What is the geography of Greece? How did this affect its inhabitants?
18. Know the differences between (compare and contrast) Sparta and Athens
19. What is Hellenistic? Why is it significant?
20. Know about Alexander the Great. What he did do and why he is important? What happened after he died?
21. What are the origins of Rome and how did its geography contribute to its early development?
22. Discuss the conflict between early Christians and the Roman government?
23. Be able to distinguish between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. What marks the beginning and end of each?
24. Be able to cite some examples of Roman innovations.
25. How did the Roman Empire finally collapse?
Byzantine Empire
26. Who founded Constantinople?
27. Who was Justinian and what was his legacy? Who was his wife and why do we study her?
28. When the Christian Church split between east and west, which church formed in the Byzantine Empire?
29. What influenced Vladimir’s rule? What religion did he choose for his empire and why?
30. Starting with Ivan III, what title did Russian rulers take?
31. Who were the mamelukes?
32. Who ended up taking over Constantinople and when?
Origins of the Muslim World
33. Explain the origins of Islam and the growth of the Islamic Empire
34. Explain the reasons for the split between Sunni and Shia Muslims
35. Describe the impact of the Crusades on both the Islamic World and Europe
36. Analyze the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
37. What was Arab life like before the founding of Islam?
38. Who was Muhammad? Know the story surrounding him starting Islam.
39. What is the Quran, and why is it important to Muslims?
40. What are the five pillars of Islam?
Empires in Africa
41. Identify the Bantu migration patterns and contribution to settled agriculture.
42. What do we know about the kingdoms of East Africa? Where are they? Economies that they had? Etc.
European Middle Ages
43. When were the Middle Ages?
44. Who was Charlemagne? Why was he important? What happened to his empire after he died? (which treaty)?
45. What was significant about the Holy Roman Empire?
46. What is Feudalism? How does it compare with Manorialism?
47. Who were the Vikings? Where were they from? What are they known for? Why did they leave their homeland? What slowed the expansion?
48. What is a fief and who had control of it?
49. Who are the peasants? What power or lack of power do they have? What do they give their lords? What does the lord give them?
50. What was the main purpose of the Crusades and how does it affect Europe and the Middle East?
51. Who went on the Crusades? Why did they go (what were their incentives)?
52. What is vernacular?
Empires of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea)
53. Which religion gain more acceptance during the Tang dynasty?
54. During the Tang and Song who replaced the landed aristocracy as the political and economic elite?
55. Which philosophy will become the main ideology during the Song dynasty?
56. Korea’s and Japan’s early culture was influenced by which neighboring country?
57. Characteristics of Japanese feudalism and European feudalism. Know the equivalents of each aspect (i.e. king = emperor; knights = samurai; chivalry = bushido, etc.)
Empires in the Americas
58. Know the geography of the Olmecs, Maya, Aztecs and Inca. Where are they from? What present-day countries?
59. What were the Olmec know for?
60. Where are the Maya from?
61. What is codex? What did they use it for?
62. When and how did the Maya decline?
63. What do you know about the Maya ballgame?
64. Where are the Aztecs from?
65. What was their capital?
66. What are chinampas?
67. Who was the Aztec god of sun and warfare?
68. Why did the Aztec sacrifice so many people?
69. How did the Aztec receive the Spanish when they (the Spanish) first arrived?
70. How were the Spanish able to so easily defeat the Aztecs?
71. Where are the Inca from?
72. What city represents the finest of Incan architecture?
73. What is mit’a and how did the Inca use it?
74. How did the Inca keep track of record-keeping?
75. How did the Inca Empire collapse?
Imperialism stuff
76. What is social Darwinism? What did the Europeans claim with Darwinism?
77. What did the European countries do to Africa in 1885 when they met in Berlin?
78. What was the importance of the Suez Canal? Why did the British want control of it?
79. What was the history behind the Congo? Who controlled it? What was the end result?
Note Cards
Monday, December 29, 2008
Guided Reading: Chapter 20
AP World History
Guided Reading: Chapter 20
“Northern Eurasia, 1500 – 1800”
1. Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
2. Dutch East India Company
3. East India Company of England
4. kowtow
5. tsar (czar)
6. boyars
7. serfs
8. “china”
9. dalai lama
10. variolation
11. cha
12. Macartney Mission
13. shogunate
14. samurai
15. seppuku
Individuals / Peoples:
16. Francis Xavier
17. Ivan IV (“the Terrible”)
18. Mikhail Romanov
19. Cossacks
20. Peter the Great
21. Manchus
22. Li Zicheng
23. Kangxi
24. Tokugawa Ieyasu
Places / Empires:
25. Siberia
26. Muscovy
27. St. Petersburg
28. Ming Empire
29. Qing Empire
30. Tokugawa Shogunate
31. Edo
Wars / Treaties / Events:
32. Great Northern War
33. Treaty of Kiakhta (research on the internet the results)
34. Treaty of Nerchinsk (list the results)
35. “Closing” of Japan
36. “Forty-Seven Ronin” incident
Questions to Outline:
1. Describe land-based empires AND their tendencies.
2. What impact did the Jesuits have on China?
3. List 10 accomplishments of Peter the Great.
4. Why was Siberia so valuable?
5. List 10 reasons why the Ming Dynasty fell.
6. Explain how the early Qing Empire expanded trade.
7. How did British trade with the Qing Empire affect its economy and why?
8. Describe the Tokugawa industrial sector in the 1600 and 1700s.
9. Describe the role of Christianity in Tokugawa Japan.
Guided Reading: Chapter 20
“Northern Eurasia, 1500 – 1800”
1. Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
2. Dutch East India Company
3. East India Company of England
4. kowtow
5. tsar (czar)
6. boyars
7. serfs
8. “china”
9. dalai lama
10. variolation
11. cha
12. Macartney Mission
13. shogunate
14. samurai
15. seppuku
Individuals / Peoples:
16. Francis Xavier
17. Ivan IV (“the Terrible”)
18. Mikhail Romanov
19. Cossacks
20. Peter the Great
21. Manchus
22. Li Zicheng
23. Kangxi
24. Tokugawa Ieyasu
Places / Empires:
25. Siberia
26. Muscovy
27. St. Petersburg
28. Ming Empire
29. Qing Empire
30. Tokugawa Shogunate
31. Edo
Wars / Treaties / Events:
32. Great Northern War
33. Treaty of Kiakhta (research on the internet the results)
34. Treaty of Nerchinsk (list the results)
35. “Closing” of Japan
36. “Forty-Seven Ronin” incident
Questions to Outline:
1. Describe land-based empires AND their tendencies.
2. What impact did the Jesuits have on China?
3. List 10 accomplishments of Peter the Great.
4. Why was Siberia so valuable?
5. List 10 reasons why the Ming Dynasty fell.
6. Explain how the early Qing Empire expanded trade.
7. How did British trade with the Qing Empire affect its economy and why?
8. Describe the Tokugawa industrial sector in the 1600 and 1700s.
9. Describe the role of Christianity in Tokugawa Japan.
Guided Reading: Chapter 19
AP World History
Guided Reading: Chapter 19
“Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500 – 1750”
1. slave soldiery
2. Janissaries
3. devshirme
4. askeri
5. raya
6. grand viziers
7. “Tulip Period”
8. harem
9. “Hidden Imam”
10. mansabs
11. Rajputs
12. “Divine Faith”
13. Sikhism
14. Guru
15. “peacock throne”
Individuals / Peoples:
16. Sultan Mehmed II
17. Suleiman the Magnificent
18. Akbar
Kingdoms / Empires:
19. Ottoman Empire
20. Safavid Empire
21. Mughal Empire
22. Bosporus
23. Anatolia
24. The Balkans
25. Izmir
26. Isfahan
27. Oman
28. Batavia
Wars / Battles:
29. Battle of Kosovo
30. Siege / Fall of Constantinople
31. Siege of Vienna
32. Patrona Halil Rebellions
33. Aya Sofya (Hagia Sophia)
Questions to Outline:
1. Name the areas that were included in the Ottoman Empire by 1566 (use map on page 488).
2. What were the three principle factors for the growth of the Ottoman Empire?
3. How did the Ottoman Empire pay the Janissaries, which led to a crisis from the period of 1585 to 1650?
4. Characterize the literature and the artistic innovations of the Safivid Empire.
5. Make a list of examples that characterize life in Istanbul.
6. Outline at least 6 examples of the way women were treated in the Ottoman and Safivid Empires.
7. How did Akbar try to reconcile the divisions of Muslims and Hindus in the Mughal Empire?
8. Develop a chart which shows the characteristics of Muslim interaction in:
a. The East Indies
b. East Africa
Guided Reading: Chapter 19
“Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500 – 1750”
1. slave soldiery
2. Janissaries
3. devshirme
4. askeri
5. raya
6. grand viziers
7. “Tulip Period”
8. harem
9. “Hidden Imam”
10. mansabs
11. Rajputs
12. “Divine Faith”
13. Sikhism
14. Guru
15. “peacock throne”
Individuals / Peoples:
16. Sultan Mehmed II
17. Suleiman the Magnificent
18. Akbar
Kingdoms / Empires:
19. Ottoman Empire
20. Safavid Empire
21. Mughal Empire
22. Bosporus
23. Anatolia
24. The Balkans
25. Izmir
26. Isfahan
27. Oman
28. Batavia
Wars / Battles:
29. Battle of Kosovo
30. Siege / Fall of Constantinople
31. Siege of Vienna
32. Patrona Halil Rebellions
33. Aya Sofya (Hagia Sophia)
Questions to Outline:
1. Name the areas that were included in the Ottoman Empire by 1566 (use map on page 488).
2. What were the three principle factors for the growth of the Ottoman Empire?
3. How did the Ottoman Empire pay the Janissaries, which led to a crisis from the period of 1585 to 1650?
4. Characterize the literature and the artistic innovations of the Safivid Empire.
5. Make a list of examples that characterize life in Istanbul.
6. Outline at least 6 examples of the way women were treated in the Ottoman and Safivid Empires.
7. How did Akbar try to reconcile the divisions of Muslims and Hindus in the Mughal Empire?
8. Develop a chart which shows the characteristics of Muslim interaction in:
a. The East Indies
b. East Africa
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Guided Reading: Chapter 18
AP World History
“The Atlantic System and Africa, 1550 – 1800”
1. Atlantic System
2. chartered companies
3. Dutch West India Company
4. plantocracy
5. “great gang”
6. “grass gang”
7. head boiler
8. “driver”
9. seasoning
10. grand blancs
11. petits blancs
12. free blacks
13. manumission
14. maroons
15. capitalism
16. joint-stock company
17. stock exchange
18. mercantilism
19. Royal African Company
20. Atlantic Circuit
21. Middle Passage
22. “Triangular Trade”
23. “fixed melancholy”
Individuals / Peoples:
24. Ayuba Suleiman Diallo
Places / Kingdoms / Empires / Colonies:
25. West Indies
26. Elmina and Luanda
27. Barbados
28. Saint Domingue
29. Gold Coast
30. Slave Coast
31. Angola
Legislation / Governmental Acts:
32. Navigation Acts
Questions to Outline:
1. By 1600, wh0 was the world’s leading sugar producer?
2. How did the Dutch West India Company prosper and areas did it firmly control?
3. Describe – in order – the steps in the cultivation of sugar cane and production of sugar.
4. List all the ways that sugar plantations were environmentally damaging.
5. What were the reasons for the high mortality rate on plantations?
6. Describe completely either in a list or in a narrative, the journey of African slaves from Africa to the New World
7. Explain the role of Africans in the slave trade and make a list of the products they received in the trade
8. What country eventually was the greatest source of slaves in the Atlantic trade?
9. How did European and Islamic slave trade affect Africa?
“The Atlantic System and Africa, 1550 – 1800”
1. Atlantic System
2. chartered companies
3. Dutch West India Company
4. plantocracy
5. “great gang”
6. “grass gang”
7. head boiler
8. “driver”
9. seasoning
10. grand blancs
11. petits blancs
12. free blacks
13. manumission
14. maroons
15. capitalism
16. joint-stock company
17. stock exchange
18. mercantilism
19. Royal African Company
20. Atlantic Circuit
21. Middle Passage
22. “Triangular Trade”
23. “fixed melancholy”
Individuals / Peoples:
24. Ayuba Suleiman Diallo
Places / Kingdoms / Empires / Colonies:
25. West Indies
26. Elmina and Luanda
27. Barbados
28. Saint Domingue
29. Gold Coast
30. Slave Coast
31. Angola
Legislation / Governmental Acts:
32. Navigation Acts
Questions to Outline:
1. By 1600, wh0 was the world’s leading sugar producer?
2. How did the Dutch West India Company prosper and areas did it firmly control?
3. Describe – in order – the steps in the cultivation of sugar cane and production of sugar.
4. List all the ways that sugar plantations were environmentally damaging.
5. What were the reasons for the high mortality rate on plantations?
6. Describe completely either in a list or in a narrative, the journey of African slaves from Africa to the New World
7. Explain the role of Africans in the slave trade and make a list of the products they received in the trade
8. What country eventually was the greatest source of slaves in the Atlantic trade?
9. How did European and Islamic slave trade affect Africa?
Guided Reading: Chapter 17
AP World History
“The Diversity of American Colonial Societies, 1530 – 1770”
1. The Columbian Exchange
2. The Council of the Indies
3. Encomienda
4. Mita
5. Hidalgos
6. creoles
7. encomenderos
8. mestizos
9. mulattos
10. castas
11. Virginia Company
12. Indentured servants
13. House of Burgesses
14. Indigo
15. Dutch West India Company
16. Coureurs de bois
17. metis
Individuals / Peoples:
18. Bartholome de Las Casas
19. Sir Humphrey Gilbert
20. Sir Walter Raleigh
21. Pilgrims
22. Puritans
23. Quakers
24. William Penn
25. Tupac Amaru II
Kingdoms / Empires / Colonies:
26. Viceroyalty of New Spain
27. Viceroyalty of Peru
28. Roanoke Colony
29. Plymouth Colony
30. Massachusetts Bay Colony
31. Iroquois Confederation
32. New France
Legislation / Governmental Acts:
33. New Laws of 1542
Wars / Uprisings:
34. Stono Rebellion of 1739
35. French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War)
Questions to Outline:
1. What three themes does the story of the Red Shoes highlight?
2. Identify the diseases that inflicted the Amerindians and then identify the consequences these diseases caused.
3. List the plants and animals that were brought from Europe to the Americas and the American plants and animals that reached Europe during the Columbian Exchange.
4. Compare and contrast the social and political organization of the Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English New World colonies by creating a chart.
5. What were the characteristics of slavery in the New World (at least 10).
“The Diversity of American Colonial Societies, 1530 – 1770”
1. The Columbian Exchange
2. The Council of the Indies
3. Encomienda
4. Mita
5. Hidalgos
6. creoles
7. encomenderos
8. mestizos
9. mulattos
10. castas
11. Virginia Company
12. Indentured servants
13. House of Burgesses
14. Indigo
15. Dutch West India Company
16. Coureurs de bois
17. metis
Individuals / Peoples:
18. Bartholome de Las Casas
19. Sir Humphrey Gilbert
20. Sir Walter Raleigh
21. Pilgrims
22. Puritans
23. Quakers
24. William Penn
25. Tupac Amaru II
Kingdoms / Empires / Colonies:
26. Viceroyalty of New Spain
27. Viceroyalty of Peru
28. Roanoke Colony
29. Plymouth Colony
30. Massachusetts Bay Colony
31. Iroquois Confederation
32. New France
Legislation / Governmental Acts:
33. New Laws of 1542
Wars / Uprisings:
34. Stono Rebellion of 1739
35. French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War)
Questions to Outline:
1. What three themes does the story of the Red Shoes highlight?
2. Identify the diseases that inflicted the Amerindians and then identify the consequences these diseases caused.
3. List the plants and animals that were brought from Europe to the Americas and the American plants and animals that reached Europe during the Columbian Exchange.
4. Compare and contrast the social and political organization of the Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English New World colonies by creating a chart.
5. What were the characteristics of slavery in the New World (at least 10).
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