Note Cards

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Guided Reading: Chapter 18

AP World History
“The Atlantic System and Africa, 1550 – 1800”

1. Atlantic System
2. chartered companies
3. Dutch West India Company
4. plantocracy
5. “great gang”
6. “grass gang”
7. head boiler
8. “driver”
9. seasoning
10. grand blancs
11. petits blancs
12. free blacks
13. manumission
14. maroons
15. capitalism
16. joint-stock company
17. stock exchange
18. mercantilism
19. Royal African Company
20. Atlantic Circuit
21. Middle Passage
22. “Triangular Trade”
23. “fixed melancholy”

Individuals / Peoples:
24. Ayuba Suleiman Diallo

Places / Kingdoms / Empires / Colonies:
25. West Indies
26. Elmina and Luanda
27. Barbados
28. Saint Domingue
29. Gold Coast
30. Slave Coast
31. Angola

Legislation / Governmental Acts:
32. Navigation Acts

Questions to Outline:
1. By 1600, wh0 was the world’s leading sugar producer?
2. How did the Dutch West India Company prosper and areas did it firmly control?
3. Describe – in order – the steps in the cultivation of sugar cane and production of sugar.
4. List all the ways that sugar plantations were environmentally damaging.
5. What were the reasons for the high mortality rate on plantations?
6. Describe completely either in a list or in a narrative, the journey of African slaves from Africa to the New World
7. Explain the role of Africans in the slave trade and make a list of the products they received in the trade
8. What country eventually was the greatest source of slaves in the Atlantic trade?
9. How did European and Islamic slave trade affect Africa?

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