Note Cards

Monday, December 29, 2008

Guided Reading: Chapter 20

AP World History
Guided Reading: Chapter 20
“Northern Eurasia, 1500 – 1800”

1. Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
2. Dutch East India Company
3. East India Company of England
4. kowtow
5. tsar (czar)
6. boyars
7. serfs
8. “china”
9. dalai lama
10. variolation
11. cha
12. Macartney Mission
13. shogunate
14. samurai
15. seppuku

Individuals / Peoples:
16. Francis Xavier
17. Ivan IV (“the Terrible”)
18. Mikhail Romanov
19. Cossacks
20. Peter the Great
21. Manchus
22. Li Zicheng
23. Kangxi
24. Tokugawa Ieyasu

Places / Empires:
25. Siberia
26. Muscovy
27. St. Petersburg
28. Ming Empire
29. Qing Empire
30. Tokugawa Shogunate
31. Edo

Wars / Treaties / Events:
32. Great Northern War
33. Treaty of Kiakhta (research on the internet the results)
34. Treaty of Nerchinsk (list the results)
35. “Closing” of Japan
36. “Forty-Seven Ronin” incident

Questions to Outline:
1. Describe land-based empires AND their tendencies.
2. What impact did the Jesuits have on China?
3. List 10 accomplishments of Peter the Great.
4. Why was Siberia so valuable?
5. List 10 reasons why the Ming Dynasty fell.
6. Explain how the early Qing Empire expanded trade.
7. How did British trade with the Qing Empire affect its economy and why?
8. Describe the Tokugawa industrial sector in the 1600 and 1700s.
9. Describe the role of Christianity in Tokugawa Japan.

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